A New Class of Wall Coverings
History tells us that wallpaper’s popularity dates back to Renaissance Europe, when the elite of society covered their walls in tapestries, but the emerging socialite had to resort to large sheets of paper hung on walls that featured scenes similar to those depicted on tapestries. In more recent years, however, the emergence of faux paint finishes seemed to upstage wall coverings, as the variety of faux techniques expanded along with the expertise of professional artists. But the tides may be turning again; wall covering manufacturers are introducing such an array of magnificent materials and styles, that resurgence in the popularity seems imminent. With so many great options, it’s worth taking time to look around. Here is a peek at what you will see.
The Stone Age
Weathered Stone® is a hand-made product invented by a former faux finisher, Sean Howard, which can replicate stone finished. While wet, this canvas-backed covering becomes pliable so that it can be shaped around any surface to create a realistic stone look on walls, countertops, floors, and ceilings.
Author: Kelly Z. Clark